While the effects of COVID 19 will stay with us for a long time, APC is looking ahead to advocating for our Unit and the communities we serve. Now, more than ever, it seems as if our motto “Student Success Depends on Us” is all the more attuned to the realities played out daily in offices staffed by Unit 4 employees. Indeed, our success translates into student success.
Union Coalition BOT Rally
Please join us, the CSU faculty and staff, in demanding that the CSU show us dignity on-the-job through fair pay and economic justice, manageable workloads, and respectful treatment by management and administration!
APC Represents Unit 4 Employees at Lobby Days
APC Represents Unit 4 Employees at Lobby Days.
Election Results
On behalf of the Elections Committee, we would like to thank all our members who participated in the recent election of our new Executive Board. We would also like to give our heartfelt thanks to all the candidates who ran for office and will be working on our behalf. Here are the results.
The Importance of Voting for Your Executive Board
APC plays a critical role in advocating for your rights with the CSU. We advocate for our members by negotiating better pay, benefits, and working conditions. By exercising your right to vote for Executive Board members, you are making your voice heard for who represents you in negotiations as well as other APC business.
Call For Nominations
Call for nominations 2023. The Academic Professionals of California (APC) is governed by its members. Every three years APC members directly elect statewide officers to provide leadership to the Statewide Council and to our Union.
APC Town Hall Meetings Agenda and Zoom Links
January/February 2023 APC Town Hall Agenda History of Salary Steps – CSU and APC. Current State and Future Plans and Possibilities.
APC Represents Unit 4 at the October 2022 BOT Meeting
APC Represents Unit 4 at the October 2022 BOT Meeting. Hear from the E-Board officers, President Edie Brown, VP Dago Argueta, and Council Member at Large, Mario Baeza.
Meet Cynthia Brown from APC Labor Relations
Meet Cynthia Brown from Labor Relations at APC. Cynthia shares more about the role of Labor Relations and what APC members should know.
What APC Achieved with the Salary Reopener Ratified Agreement 2020-2022
Here’s the outcome from our Town Hall meetings. APC Achieved with the Salary Reopener Ratified Agreement 2020-2022.