Every Unit 4 employee has the right to union representation when a contract violation regarding working conditions has occurred.
You have the right to union representation at any meeting that could lead to discipline. This is known as “Weingarten Rights.”
Don’t say anything until you speak to your union rep!
If you must meet with management, be ready to invoke your Weingarten Rights.
Print the card below (Right-click and save, then print the card.), and take this with you to the meeting. Read the Weingarten Rights for your full protection.
Weingarten Rights Card
1. Cut at solid lines
2. Fold in the middle
3. Fill in your APC Steward’s name and phone number
4. Keep in your wallet at all times

How to contact your Campus Stewards.
Here are the situations where representation may be needed:
- Potential Disciplinary Meeting
- A Grievance Meeting (Formal and Level One)
- Performance Evaluation (May not be needed but may be requested)