The Bargaining Team of the Academic Professionals of California (APC) wants to provide all Unit 4 employees with the negotiated Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) allowing for the implementation and clarification of the updated COVID-19 vaccine/booster policy and the Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) policy which was implemented through SB 114.

APC CSU Sunshine Proposals
The California State University’s Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals Between The Board of Trustees Of The California State University And Academic Professionals of California for March, 2022.
Systemwide Telecommute Policy – Signed
In an effort to streamline the meet and confer process, campuses may opt into the attached Telecommuting Program, Appendix A. When campuses opt in, the Chancellor’s office will inform the Union, in writing, 72 hours prior to the start date of a campus adopting the Telecommuting Program. If a campus uses the Program, no meet and confer is needed with the Union.
APC MOU Interim Vaccine Policy
Review the signed APC/CSU Memorandum of Understanding CSU COVID-19 Vaccination Interim Policy.
APC /CSU Agree to Testing MOU
Since our last bargaining update to you, APC leadership has been working with the Chancellor’s Office to ensure all Unit 4 employees can return to campuses safely. On Friday, August 20th, APC and the CSU met and finalized the COVID Testing MOU.
CSU Policy for Repopulation and Telecommuting During the COVID-19 Pandemic for APC
Your APC Executive Board and Bargaining Team have concluded bargaining with the CSU on two COVID-19 Pandemic related polices: Repopulation During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Telecommuting during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Both documents represent the painstaking work of the APC Bargaining Team made up of campus stewards, our labor relations team and the executive Board.
Expanded COVID Related Leave
The California State University (“CSU” or “employer”) and the Academic Professional of California (“APC”) agree to the following: ECRL – Expanded COVID Related Leave.
COVID Leave – Senate Bill 95
On May 25th Lee Norris, Labor Relations Manager, sent a communication to stewards about the recent passage of SB 95, which was signed into law by the Governor. SB 95 is effective March 29th and expires on September 30th. The law applies to State employees, which includes employees of the California State University. Here are the key takeaways from the law.
Tentative Agreement Changes 2017-2020