COVID Vaccine Mandate

COVID Vaccine Mandate

Dear Colleague,

Earlier this morning the CSU publicly announced its decision to move forward with a requirement for students, staff, and faculty to be vaccinated using vaccines which have not received full FDA approval. Chancellor Castro only shared this information with APC’s President and Vice-President minutes before the public announcement was made.

We want to reassure you that APC remains committed to protecting the health and safety of all Unit 4 employees and the public we serve. The details of this policy are not yet known, but please know we are prioritizing and dedicating ourselves to ensuring a safe, healthy, and orderly return to campus while also protecting your contractual rights through negotiations with the CSU.

APC will keep you abreast of any new developments in regards to the soon-to-be-released, updated Mandatory Vaccine Policy and/or other pandemic-related campus policies which will affect working conditions.

In Union,

APC Executive Board:
Edie Brown, President
Dagoberto Argueta, Vice-President
Christine McCarthy, Treasurer
Rose Duran, Secretary
Mario Baeza, Council Member-At-Large

APC Labor Relations Team:
Lee Norris, Labor Relations Manager
Cynthia Brown, Labor Relations Representative