APC COVID Response for the Safety of All Unit 4 Employees

APC Covid Response for the Safety of All Unit 4 Employees

The Executive Board and Labor Relations are aware of a recent settlement agreement between the CSU and Unit 6 (Teamsters Union) which includes Extended COVID 19 leave. We are also aware of the efforts of CFA and CSUEU pertaining to an extension of COVID leave as well.

APC has been meeting with the Chancellor’s Office every two weeks since I began as APC President in June 2020. At each meeting, we discuss the importance of this kind of benefit as we know the hardship our members face with childcare, elder care, and homeschooling our children.

Be assured that the APC Executive Board Officers and the Labor Relations Team are working hard to protect your health and safety and it is our top priority and we will continue to insist that the CSU provide additional leave like CPAL to our unit!

As more information becomes available we will send out another communication and update our website. We are advocating for this benefit and will communicate as soon as we have additional information.

Since it was founded more than 40 years ago, APC has been and continues to be committed to representing our members and all Unit 4 employees with integrity, fighting for the issues that matter. Since the COVID pandemic began, we have been behind the scenes, working to protect the health and safety of all Unit 4 employees.

Over the past six months, our President and Vice President have been meeting with representatives from the Chancellor’s Office, continuing discussions around COVID related issues. We hear the concerns of our members and all Unit 4 employees, and address them regularly with the Chancellor’s Office. Ensuring your health and safety is critical to APC’s leadership. Dealing with this health crisis and how it continues to impact Unit 4 employees and their families is one of our top priorities. We are stronger together.