When a unit 4 Employee gets promoted out, it is more common for it to be on a temporary basis. It’s usually because a Unit 4 Member gets promoted to an MPP position which is a management position. Find out more.
Mario Baeza Shares His Favorite Union Story
Council Member at Large, Mario Baeza Shares His Favorite Union Story.
Systemwide Telecommute Policy – Signed
In an effort to streamline the meet and confer process, campuses may opt into the attached Telecommuting Program, Appendix A. When campuses opt in, the Chancellor’s office will inform the Union, in writing, 72 hours prior to the start date of a campus adopting the Telecommuting Program. If a campus uses the Program, no meet and confer is needed with the Union.
APC MOU Interim Vaccine Policy
Review the signed APC/CSU Memorandum of Understanding CSU COVID-19 Vaccination Interim Policy.
Meet APC Council Member at Large, Mario Baeza
Council Member at Large, Mario Baeza shares his insights on APC, his background with CSU and APC, and more.
Famous Union Strikes
Throughout US history, union strikes were implemented to improve unfair and unsafe working conditions, resolve labor and wage disparities, and secure workplace protections for the worker. Here are a few famous strikes that effectively changed the workplace.
How Do Public Unions Work?
For workers, joining a public-sector union is one of the best decisions they can make. Many of the benefits afforded to the workforce are not available anywhere else. The first benefit is a right to negotiate on any potential new workplace policies or laws that could affect them as a whole.
How to Keep Your Computer Safer from Cyberattacks While Working from Home
Cyberattacks don’t just affect your computer access, personal data, finances, or identity. When you work from home, they also pose the same risks to your employer. Find out how to keep your computer safe from cyberattacks.
Edie Brown Answers “Why Join APC?”
Are you a Unit 4 Employee at CSU? Academic Professionals of California (APC) is here to serve you. Hear from President Edie Brown as she shares why you should join APC.
How the APC Council Helps Shapes the Union
The APC Statewide Council shapes our union through the decisions they make, including: Voting on motions for specific issues, Priorities and Goals to move our union forward, Partnerships with other unions, Supporting legislation that directly affects member working conditions.