Union Strong

CSU Employee Minimum Wage Regulations

CSU Employee Minimum Wage Regulations

Here is an explanation of how the minimum wage effects an employee’s exempt or non-exempt status under the FLSA. Effective January 1, 2020, the Department of Labor issued regulations affecting the salary tests used to determine an employee’s exempt status under the FLSA. Under the updated regulations an employee, irrespective of time base, must earn more than two-times the Federal minimum wage.

Famous Union Strikes

Famous Union Strikes

Throughout US history, union strikes were implemented to improve unfair and unsafe working conditions, resolve labor and wage disparities, and secure workplace protections for the worker. Here are a few famous strikes that effectively changed the workplace.

How Do Public Unions Work

How Do Public Unions Work?

For workers, joining a public-sector union is one of the best decisions they can make. Many of the benefits afforded to the workforce are not available anywhere else. The first benefit is a right to negotiate on any potential new workplace policies or laws that could affect them as a whole.