The APC Organizing Committee plays a crucial role in recruiting and educating CSU Unit 4 employees about their union benefits and rights. Through collective strength and dedicated volunteer efforts, the committee empowers members to advocate for better working conditions and stronger representation across campuses.
The Role of the Bargaining Team at APC
The bargaining team, made up of members and labor relations staff, meets with the CSU to develop the collective bargaining agreement. They gather ideas and comments from members and stewards, and it’s their responsibility to draft the proposals they bring forward. In this article, we provide a closer look at the inner workings of the bargaining team by sharing insights from three of its members.
Bargaining Update – June 2024
Meeting date: May 29th, 2024 Last week, the APC Bargaining Team met with our CSU
What is the Role of Council at APC?
Discover the crucial role of the APC Statewide Council in governing and setting policies for CSU members. Learn how Stewards and the Executive Board collaborate to represent and address the needs of the union’s members.
The Role of Labor Relations at APC – Contract Enforcement
In the last installment of our 4-part exploration, we’re examining contract enforcement, grievance handling, and the arbitration process within Labor Relations at APC. It’s all about making sure agreements are honored, addressing concerns directly, and guaranteeing fairness for everyone.
The Role of Labor Relations at APC – Contract Bargaining Process
In this third article of our 4-part series on the vital role of Labor Relations at APC, we focus on the intricate contract bargaining process. This segment highlights negotiation priorities, the structure of representation in negotiations, and more.
The Role of Labor Relations at APC – Evolution of the Contract
In part two of our 4-part series we focus on the evolution of the APC contract, alongside the strategic employment of contract reopeners and Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), showcasing APC’s adaptability and unwavering commitment to its members’ rights.
The Role of Labor Relations at APC – The History of LR
This article is the first in a 4-part series exploring the vital role of Labor Relations at APC. We review its history, operations, and significant impact on the union and its members.
FY 2023/2024 Technical Letter
Breaking News on Your Raises! The Chancellor’s Office has issued the technical letter on the implementation of our agreement with the CSU for fiscal year 2023-2024. Review all the details here.
APC and CSU Sunshine Proposals 2024
Attention APC Members. We’ve received the Sunshine Proposals from CSU. We’ve also sent CSU the APC Sunshine Proposals. Please review so you can stay informed of the upcoming bargaining items between APC and CSU.