Year: 2024

What is the Role of the Organizing Committee for APC?

The APC Organizing Committee plays a crucial role in recruiting and educating CSU Unit 4 employees about their union benefits and rights. Through collective strength and dedicated volunteer efforts, the committee empowers members to advocate for better working conditions and stronger representation across campuses.

APC Bargaining Update August 12 2024

APC Bargaining Update August 12, 2024

The APC and the CSU Bargaining Teams met Friday, August 9, 2024. Unfortunately, we can report little to no progress on proposals of interest on either side of the table. The CSU Bargaining Team again was not prepared to offer a salary proposal even though it was promised to be forth coming at our last bargaining session.

The Role of the Bargaining Team at APC

The Role of the Bargaining Team at APC

The bargaining team, made up of members and labor relations staff, meets with the CSU to develop the collective bargaining agreement. They gather ideas and comments from members and stewards, and it’s their responsibility to draft the proposals they bring forward. In this article, we provide a closer look at the inner workings of the bargaining team by sharing insights from three of its members.

APC Bargaining Update July 2024

APC Bargaining Update July 2024

The APC Bargaining Team met with the CSU on July 9, where the University deferred presenting an economic proposal due to incomplete budget information. Despite this setback, discussions on mutual interests such as redefining lead worker roles, personnel file content, and parental leave continued, with both parties agreeing to resume negotiations in August.

APC Bargaining Updates 2024 title

APC Bargaining Updates 2024

APC Kicks Off Negotiations for a New Contract with the CSU. The CSU Bargaining Team made several proposals during the two-day sessions, but they did not address salary experience recognition or job security. Some of their proposals included incorporating updates to state law regarding unpaid family leave and making minor changes to grievance and layoff procedures. Notably, the CSU proposed removing the union’s right to bypass time-consuming mediation and impasse procedures to initiate an immediate strike, a proposal that the APC Bargaining Team found unacceptable.