Month: March 2023

7 Tips to Help You Stay Organized title

7 Tips to Help You Stay Organized

Staying organized is a great way to keep yourself from feeling overwhelmed and can lead to a better mood and greater productivity. Whether organization comes easily to you or it’s an uphill battle, here are seven excellent tips on how to take it to the next level.

Election Results

On behalf of the Elections Committee, we would like to thank all our members who participated in the recent election of our new Executive Board. We would also like to give our heartfelt thanks to all the candidates who ran for office and will be working on our behalf. Here are the results.

We are the Voice of the Workers – Addressing Systemic Social Injustice is a Must!

Elaina Baird, CSU Chico Chief Steward addresses systemic social injustice and her views on what we can do to make our voice heard. Our APC constitution preamble states, “Our purpose shall include furthering educational development and opportunity, protecting intellectual freedom, improved scholarship and teaching, and promoting reason and justice.” Unions need to step up now more than ever, from wherever they find themselves, to the fight for social justice.