When a unit 4 Employee gets promoted out, it is more common for it to be on a temporary basis. It’s usually because a Unit 4 Member gets promoted to an MPP position which is a management position. Find out more.
Mario Baeza Shares His Favorite Union Story
Council Member at Large, Mario Baeza Shares His Favorite Union Story.
Systemwide Telecommute Policy – Signed
In an effort to streamline the meet and confer process, campuses may opt into the attached Telecommuting Program, Appendix A. When campuses opt in, the Chancellor’s office will inform the Union, in writing, 72 hours prior to the start date of a campus adopting the Telecommuting Program. If a campus uses the Program, no meet and confer is needed with the Union.
APC MOU Interim Vaccine Policy
Review the signed APC/CSU Memorandum of Understanding CSU COVID-19 Vaccination Interim Policy.