Thank a Union

Thank a Union

“Brought to you by a union…”

APC – Your Union

APC: You and Your Colleagues Across the CSU System

When we join with each other, together things can be made better for everyone. We are stronger together and our union enables us as workers to negotiate higher wages and benefits, and to provide protections that improve conditions in our jobs.

APC is part of a larger movement of millions of union members in our country from every life sector.  As part of a union we know that by speaking up together, we can achieve more than being a single voice on our own.

APC, through your support, is empowered to negotiate and enforce our contract with the California State University system.  Our Collective Bargaining Agreement guarantees that your administration and managers must adhere to the negotiated protections of your rights.

We are there to help make sure they honor your work, and to support you when they violate your rights.  You are not alone! Together we are stronger! Join us and become part of our winning team!

thank a union


Unionized California:*

labor movement

  • Unionized Workers in California make 13% more in wages compared with nonunionized.
  • Unionized Latinos in California make 40% more in wages compared with nonunionized.
  • Unionized African Americans in California make 20% more in wages compared with nonunionized.
  • Unionized Women in California make 26% more in wages compared with nonunionized.
  • Unionized Men in California make 15% more in wages compared with nonunionized.


States with Weak Union Protections Suffer from:

  • Lower wages
  • Lower employer contributions to healthcare benefits
  • Lower rates of employer of retirement or pension plans
  • Higher poverty rates

