How to Promote APC to New Employees

How to Promote APC to New Employees

Welcoming new employees to the CSU family is more than just showing them around campus or helping them settle into their roles—it’s about making them feel part of a supportive community. As a member of APC, you can also play a role in ensuring new hires know about the union and the many ways it can support them throughout their career.

By sharing your story and connecting with new co-workers, you can help them understand why joining APC is an important step in protecting their rights and improving working conditions. In this article, we’ll explore how you can have genuine conversations with new employees, share your own APC journey, and highlight the many benefits of being part of the union.

Building a Personal Connection First

Start with Real Conversation

When meeting new employees, it’s important to start with a genuine, friendly conversation. Ask them about their background—where they’re from, their family, or hobbies. Taking the time to get to know your new co-workers shows that you care about them beyond their role at CSU and creates an opportunity to find common ground. For instance, you might ask, “What brought you to CSU?” or “What do you enjoy doing outside of work?”

Ask open-ended questions about their interests and goals within CSU. What are they passionate about? What do they hope to achieve in their new role? Engaging in these kinds of discussions can lead to more meaningful conversations and help you better understand their perspective.

Finding Common Ground

Think back to when you first started at CSU and in Unit 4—what was that experience like for you? Many new employees may be going through similar transitions. Whether it’s learning the ins and outs of supporting students or understanding the broader university system, sharing your own journey can create an immediate connection.

By establishing rapport through personal stories and shared experiences, it becomes easier to naturally introduce the role APC plays in supporting members like you. When new co-workers feel valued on a personal level, they are more likely to engage in conversations about the benefits of union membership.

Introducing APC in the Conversation

Transitioning to Union Talk

After connecting with your new co-worker, you can easily transition into discussing APC by asking, “Are you familiar with unions? There are actually over a dozen unions that represent CSU employees, and APC is the union for Unit 4 employees.”

This segue introduces the concept of unions and provides the context needed for the conversation to move forward.

Key Points to Share with New Employees

Once you’ve introduced APC, you can make the conversation more personal by sharing your own experiences. Here are a few examples of what you might say:

  • “When I first joined, I didn’t know much about APC, but over time, I’ve seen how it has helped protect our rights and improve working conditions.”
  • “I remember when I started, and APC was there to answer all my questions. They made sure I knew my rights as an employee.”
  • “Being a part of APC has been a big help for me, especially when it comes to understanding our contract and how it impacts us.”

By sharing these experiences, you’ll help new employees understand the real benefits of being an APC member and how the union supports its members in meaningful ways.

How to Guide the Conversation

Ask and Listen

One of the best ways to have a meaningful conversation is to ask questions and really listen to the answers. You can ask the new employee if they have any questions about their role or the workplace. For example, “How are you finding things so far?” or “Is there anything you’re curious about when it comes to your job or the campus?”

By opening the door to these types of questions, you can help new employees feel comfortable expressing any concerns or uncertainties. If they have questions or hesitations about unions or APC specifically, be prepared to address them honestly and openly. Listening to their perspective shows that you value their opinion and helps build trust.

Be Personable and Honest

Share personal stories about how APC has helped you, or even stories about other co-workers you’ve known on campus. Talk about how long you’ve been a member and specific instances where APC made a difference—whether it’s job security, contract negotiations, or benefits.

For example:

  • “I’ve been a member of APC for [X] years, and I remember a time when they really helped me with an issue I had at work.”
  • “One of my co-workers was dealing with a grievance issue, and APC stepped in to make sure they were treated fairly.”

Sharing these types of stories not only makes the conversation more relatable but also helps illustrate the real impact APC can have on employees’ lives.

Resources to Share and Next Steps

Point to Resources

After your conversation with the new employee, you can suggest they visit the APC website for more information, including specific campus pages. These pages provide details about APC activities and resources available on each campus.

Introduce the Role of Stewards

It’s also a good idea to let the new employee know about the important role of stewards within APC. Stewards are key representatives who act as the voice of members at APC Council meetings. They are a great resource for information, guidance, and support. As a current member, you should be familiar with who your campus stewards are. If you’re unsure, you can check the Steward Directory, share the names with your new co-worker, and explain how the stewards can help them.

If the new employee would like to get in touch with a steward, you can introduce them personally if possible or direct them to this directory.

Invite to Campus Meetings

In addition to sharing these resources, it’s helpful to invite the new employee to the next local campus meeting. These meetings are a great way to meet other APC members and learn more about the union’s ongoing work. If you know when the next meeting is, be sure to share the date with them.

If you’re not sure, let them know that you’ll find out and get back to them with the details. Saying something like, “I’ll check when the next meeting is and let you know so you can join us,” helps reinforce the sense of community and involvement.


Welcoming new employees to CSU is about more than just introducing them to their job—it’s about making them feel like part of the APC community. By building rapport through personal conversations, sharing your experience with APC, and highlighting the many benefits of union membership, you can help new hires understand the value of getting involved.

Remember to ask open-ended questions, actively listen, and share your stories about how APC has helped you and your co-workers. Point them to helpful resources like the APC website, introduce them to your campus steward, and be sure to invite them to the next campus meeting.

You don’t have to be a steward or an officer to make an impact at APC! #WeAreStrongerTogether