Governor Newsom’s Executive Order on Telecommuting

Governor Newsoms Executive Order on Telecommuting title

Dear Colleague,

A few days ago, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-22-25 directing state agencies under his authority to revise remote work policies and, in effect, expect employees to report to their offices at least four days per week. While departments under the Governor’s Office must start planning the execution of this new plan no later than April 1, the effective date of the executive order will be July 1, 2025.

Some of you have inquired about the impact of the Governor’s decision on Unit 4 employees allowed remote work per the terms of the APC Systemwide Telecommute Policy and MOU. As an independent agency, the CSU generally adheres to its own policies, MOUs, and agreements with its unions rather than the Governor’s executive orders. Therefore, in this instance our current policy and MOU with the University describe the telecommuting rights enjoyed by Unit 4 employees.

As of this writing, APC has not received notice from the Chancellor’s Office on its intent to modify or end our current Systemwide Telecommute Policy or related MOU, but please keep in mind both the MOU and policy permit the University to modify telecommuting arrangements.

In Union,

Dagoberto Argueta
APC President