When you find yourself overly stressed at the end of a difficult day, you need to allow your mind and body get back to a state of optimal performance and functionality. Here are some proven and effective methods activities that can help.
Benefits of a Hybrid Work Schedule
Hybrid working has become an efficient post-Covid strategy, and employers are starting to see the benefits after months of remote work. When done right, hybrid working fosters an employee-centric workplace experience and offers the option of dividing the work locations according to a schedule pre-established by the university.
How to Politely Say No to Any Type of Request
Most people have such busy lives these days, and when asked to commit to something, you may find it hard to say “no.” So here are a few scenarios and some polite ways you can let someone know that you can’t accept.
The Health Benefits of Telecommuting
Studies are being conducted by psychologists, academics, and business leaders regarding the health benefits of telecommuting and how it benefits both employees and employers, for now and in the long run.
7 Tips to Help Unit 4 Employees Maintain a Positive Morale
Finding the best tools to get inspired and feel encouraged in your work can be the key to success in creating and sustaining a positive morale for students, employees, and university life as a whole.
Here are 7 tips to help Unit 4 employees maintain a positive morale.
10 Ways to Reduce or Prevent Digital Eyestrain
Eye strain is very common, with people having to stare at their computers for hours on end, but these 10 quick tips can help reduce it.
10 Tips to Staying Mentally Sharp
We’ve all had moments when we’ve walked into a room and can’t remember why we went in there in the first place, or we’ve forgotten a name mid-conversation. Keeping your mind sharp can help with this issue, and the following 10 tips will help.
7 Self-Care Habits to Add to Your Routine
You may not have the time to practice self-care by taking a long and luxurious bath with all the extra relaxation elements you see in the media messages. Fortunately, there are plenty of other options that you can fit into a busy schedule.
Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk While Working from Home
Remote work comes with its challenges. One of those challenges is the sedentary nature of
APC Cares
The Academic Professionals of California represents all Collective Bargain Unit 4 workers throughout the entire California State University System. We negotiate our Collective Bargaining Agreement to protect you on your job. APC ensures this Contract is adhered to by every campus, and every manager.