Town Hall Recordings

Town Hall Recording | January 27, 2023

  1. Welcome, Introductions  – Edie Brown,  :23 
  2. What are Salary Steps and Why Don’t CSU Employees Have Them?  – Christine McCarthy, 1:20
  3. What Happened to Salaries When CSU Eliminated Steps? – Edie Brown, Dagoberto Argueta, Mercer Report, 15:49
  4. CSU’s Recent Offer to Begin Bargaining Early and to Discuss Steps – Lee Norris, 30:08
  5. What Should we Expect from CSU in the Upcoming Negotiations – Lee Norris, 36:30
  6. What it Will Take to Win a Contract We Can Be Proud Of – Bill Cruice, Cynthia Brown, 41:43
  7. Conclusion/Wrap Up – Future Town Halls Once Negotiations Begin – Edie Brown,  52:10           

Town Hall Recording | January 30, 2023

  1. Welcome, Introductions  – Edie Brown,  :23    
  2. What are Salary Steps and Why Don’t CSU Employees Have Them?  – Christine McCarthy, 1:13
  3. What Happened to Salaries When CSU Eliminated Steps? – Edie Brown, Dagoberto Argueta, Mercer Report, 13:52
  4. CSU’s Recent Offer to Begin Bargaining Early and to Discuss Steps  – Lee Norris, 28:32
  5. What Should we Expect from CSU in the Upcoming Negotiations? – Lee Norris , continuation from above
  6. What it Will Take to Win a Contract We Can Be Proud Of? – Bill Cruice, Cynthia Brown, 39:34
  7. Conclusion/Wrap Up – Future Town Halls Once Negotiations Begin – Edie Brown,  45:59             

Town Hall Recording | January 31, 2023

  1. Welcome, Introductions  – Edie Brown,  :19   
  2. What are Salary Steps and Why Don’t CSU Employees Have Them? – Christine McCarthy, 1:23
  3. What Happened to Salaries When CSU Eliminated Steps ? – Edie Brown, Dagoberto Argueta, Mercer Report, 20:35
  4. CSU’s Recent Offer to Begin Bargaining Early and to Discuss Steps Lee Norris, 25:16
  5. What Should we Expect from CSU in the Upcoming Negotiations? – Lee Norris , continuation from above
  6. What it Will Take to Win a Contract We Can Be Proud Of? – Bill Cruice, Cynthia Brown, 37:22
  7. Conclusion/Wrap Up – Future Town Halls Once Negotiations Begin  – Edie Brown, 44:43             

Town Hall Meeting Recording | February 1, 2023

  1. Welcome, Introductions  – Edie Brown,   :15  
  2. What are Salary Steps and Why Don’t CSU Employees Have Them? – Christine McCarthy, 1:04
  3. What Happened to Salaries When CSU Eliminated Steps ? – Edie Brown, Dagoberto Argueta, Mercer Report, 24:47
  4. CSU’s Recent Offer to Begin Bargaining Early and to Discuss Steps Lee Norris, 29:40
  5. What Should we Expect from CSU in the Upcoming Negotiations? – Lee Norris , continuation from above
  6. What it Will Take to Win a Contract We Can Be Proud Of? – Bill Cruice, Cynthia Brown, 41.49
  7. Conclusion/Wrap Up – Future Town Halls Once Negotiations Begin  – Edie Brown, 49:28