Contract Index

APC/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement

January 31, 2018 – June 30, 2020


References for listings in the index are to articles and sections in the collective bargaining agreement; for instance, “19.10” refers to Article 19, section 10. The abbreviation “App.” refers to appendices to the agreement. A number of terms—notably APC, CSU, President, appropriate administrator and employee—appear too frequently in the agreement for every reference to be included in the index; for these terms, therefore, only selected references have been included.

10/12 pay plan, see Pay plan
11/12 pay plan, see Pay plan
1959 CalPERS Survivors Benefit, 24.13
AAA, see American Arbitration Association
chargeable to sick leave, 19.10
reporting of, 19.4, 19.5
verification of, 19.6, 19.7
Academic Professionals of California, see APC
Academic year employee, see Employee,
academic year
Accidental death and dismemberment
insurance, paid by CSU, 24.14
ADA, see American With Disabilities Act
Additional CSU employment, see Employment,
additional CSU
Admission to CSU, and fee waiver program,
16.5, 16.12
Adoption leave, see parental Leave
with pay, 20.14
without pay, 22.4, 22.5
Advanced degree
and Educational Achievement Stipend, see
Salary, bonus/stipend programs
and professional development leave, 16.20
Affirmative action, and layoff, 33.7, 33.8, 33.18,
Affirmative Action Officer, campus, 5.32
Age, discrimination based on, see Discrimination
duration of, 34.1,34.3
effective date(s) of, 34.1-34.3
entirety of, 3.1, 3.2
legal rulings regarding, 4.1, 4.2
modification of, 3.1
negotiations for successor agreement to, 34.2,
scope of, 3.4
supersession, 3.1
American Arbitration Association
and grievance procedure, Level III, 10.5

Americans and Disabilities Act and CSU policies
on discrimination, 21.1
Annuity programs, tax sheltered, 24.10
and concerted activities, 9.2, 9.3
and grievance procedure, 10.4, 10.5, 10.11
and invalidation of provision of Agreement,
4.1, 4.2
and negotiation regarding policies, 3.4
and notification by CSU of changes made to
position descriptions, 8.10
and notification by CSU or transfer of work out
of bargaining unit, 8.11, 8.12
and reconsideration procedure, 5.30
and salary reports from CSU, 23.12
as exclusive bargaining representative, 1.1,
as grievant, 4.2, 10.1, 23.9, 23.11, 28.27
as party to agreement, 2.14
business, conduct of, 8.6, 8.7
campus bulletin boards, use of, 8.4, 8.5
campus facilities, use of, 8.1, 8.2
campus mail service, use of, 8.3, 8.5
campus stewards, 8.14, 8.15
defined as union, 2.22
development of proposals for professional
training, 16.17-16.19
dues, see Dues, APC
employee information provided to, 8.8, 8.13
meet and confer with CSU regarding layoff,
representation on campus safety committees,
representative, conduct of business of, 8.7
statewide officers, 8.16
unit four vacancies, 8.9, 13.1
voluntary membership, 8.20
Application procedures for vacancies
and career development plan, 15.6
notice of, 13.1, 13.2

and bargaining member on search committee,
and career development plan, 15.6
at another CSU campus, and transfer of
credits, 13.10, 13.11
defined, 13.5
effective date of, 13.6
notification of, 13.5
and supersession of statues, 13.9
temporary, for training purposes, 16.16
temporary, length of, 13.6-13.9
see also Assignment
Appropriate administrator
and authorization/assignment of overtime,
and career development plan, 15.2, 15.4, 15.5
and compensatory time off, scheduling and
directed use of, 28.22, 28.23
and evaluation, 18.1
and fee waiver program, 16.5
and professional activities, 16.13, 16.14,
16.18, 16.19
and qualifications for reassignment, 17.3
and request for work schedule change, 28.13
and vacation scheduling, 26.8, 26.9, 26.11
defined, 2.1
for grievance procedure, 10.1
for reconsideration procedure, 5.3, 5.7-5.9,
and reassignment, 17.3
performing bargaining unit work, 17.12
Arbitration of grievance, see Grievance
procedure, Level III
regarding CSU policy, 3.4 for grievance
regarding invalidation of provision of
Agreement, 4.2
Arbitrator, including limitations on authority of
grievance see Grievance procedure, Level III
of policy dispute, 3.4
regarding invalidation of provision of
Agreement, 4.2
Assignment, initial, 17.1
Attendance abuse, and performance evaluation,
18.1, 11.12
Attendance records, and personnel file, 11.12
Authorship of CSU publication
grievability of decisions regarding, 29.1
recognition of, 29.1
Bargaining unit
change in definition of, 1.3
classifications included in, App. A
employees excluded from, App. B
modification of, 1.3
Bargaining unit employees
changes in, 8.8, 8.10-8.12

defined, 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, App. A, App. B
representation on search/interview committee,
Bargaining unit work
assigned to student assistants, 17.11
performed by appropriate administrators,
Base salary increases, see Salary and listings
following regarding salary programs
and 10/12 or 11/12 pay plan, 27.5
continuation during leave of absence without
pay, 22.223, 22.24, 22.30
eligibility during family care or medical leave,
22.23, 22.24
eligibility and Domestic partners, 24.3
and funeral leave, 20.9
and sick leave, 19.13
Board of Trustees, CSU, see Trustees
Bone marrow donation leave, 20.15
Bonuses, see:
Salary, bonus/stipend programs;
Salary, campus-funded programs;
Salary, Performance Pay Increase
Break, see Rest period
Break in service
and computation of seniority points, 33.13,
33.14, 33.15, 33.16, 33.18
and leave of absence without pay, 22.23,
and probationary period, 14.13-14.15
and statewide officer leave, 8.16
BSM Bonus, see Salary, bonus/stipend program
Budget Shortfall Mitigation Bonus, see Salary,
bonus/stipend program
Bulletin boards, campus, APC use of, 8.4, 8.5
Bumping rights, see Layoff
Calendar year, defined, 2.3
California State University, see CSU
defined, 28.28
compensation, 28.30-28.31
condition of employment 28.29
CalPERS Retirement
information regarding employee’s rights
under, 24.19
service credit while on 10/12 or 11/12 pay
plan, 27.8
CalPERS Survivors Benefit, 1959, 24.13
bulletin boards, APC use of, 8.4, 8.5
closure, 25.6-25.8
defined, 2.4
facilities, APC use of, 8.1, 8.2
mail service, APC use of, 8.3, 8.5

personnel office, 8.8
policy, reconsideration of alleged violation of,
Campus policies, see Polices, CSU
Campus-funded bonuses and salary increases,
see Salary, campus-funded programs
Career development plan
and fee waiver program, 15.4, 16.5
development and approval of, 15.2
purpose of, 15.1
review/renewal of, 15.5
successful completion of, 15.6
time/expenses of, 15.3
Catastrophic Leave Donation Program
and Industrial Disability Leave, 19.24
defined, 19.24
procedures and limitations, 19.24
and continuing education, 16.22
required, 16.15
as a President, 2.18
as employer, 2.9
defined, 2.5
Chancellor’s Office, see Office of the Chancellor
Childbirth, 22.4, 22.11
and use of sick leave, 19.10, 19.14
see also Pregnancy
Citizenship process, leave for, 20.12
Civil Procedure, California Code of, Section
1285 et seq., 4.2
abolition or supersession of, 14.12
as personnel decision, 11.15
change in, and new probationary period, 14.9,
development of new, 3.3
dispute re inclusion in bargaining unit, 1.3
eligibility for overtime, see Overtime
included in bargaining unit, App. A
revision of current, 3.3
Classification, change in, see Reclassification
Classification series, and permanency, 13.7-
Collective bargaining agreement, see
Collective bargaining process
and CSU policies, 3.4
regarding contracting out, 7.2
release time for, 8.15
scope of, 3.2
Color, discrimination based on, see
Community service, and performance
evaluation, 18.1

Compensation, see Salary and listings following
regarding salary programs
Compensation for working on holiday, 25.12,
Compensatory time off
accounting of, 28.25
and absence as a witness, 20.6- 20.8
and campus closure, 25.7, 25.8
and Catastrophic Leave Donation Program,
as compensation for overtime, 28.17
directed use of, 28.23, 28.24
for required professional activities, 16.14
for working on holiday, 25.12, 25.13
payment of balance upon separation, 26.13,
26.14, 28.26
scheduling of, 28.23, 28.24
Concerted activities, 9.1-9.4
Confidential employees, excluded from
bargaining unit, App. B
and employee information provided to APC,
and grievance procedure, 10.10
and personnel file, 11.14
and reconsideration procedure, 5.23
of grievances, 10.17
of reconsideration requests, 5.24
Continuing education, 16.1, 16.22, 16.23
Contract, see Agreement
Contracting out, 7.1, 7.2
President’s authority regarding, 7.1
Controller, see State Controller, California
Corrective action
and FLSA-exempt employees; see FLSA
exempt employees
and violation of policy, including appeal and
grievability of, 12.18-12.20
defined, 12.1
see also Reprimand and Suspension with pay
Credential Analyst Trainee
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. D
included in bargaining unit, App. A
salary range and rate, App. K
terms of appointment, App. K
Credential Analyst I
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. D
included in bargaining unit, App. A
Credential Analyst II
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. D
included in bargaining unit, App. A
Critical skills bonus, see Salary, campus-funded

and invalidation of provision of agreement,
4.1, 4.2
and lock-out of employees, 9.4
and negotiation regarding policies, 3.4
as party to agreement, 2.14
defined, 2.6
Dependent Care Reimbursement Program,
fee waiver program, see Fee waiver program
Health Care Reimbursement Account Plan,
Health Premium Conversion Program, 24.6
CTO, see Compensatory time off
Day, defined, 2.7
Deadlines, extension of, 2.7
Demotion, see Disciplinary action
Dental benefits
eligibility for, 24.7
eligible domestic partners, including governing
definition, 24.3
payment for, 24.7
waiver of (flex cash), 24.18
Dependent Care Reimbursement Program,
CSU, 24.11
Dependent fee waiver, see Fee waiver program
Difference in Pay Leave, eligibility for and terms
of, 16.21 App. I
and computation of seniority points, 33.18
and pregnancy leave, Government Code
provision, 22.9
mental or physical discrimination based on,
see Discrimination
temporary and Catastrophic Leave Donation
program, 19.24
see also Industrial Disability Leave and NonIndustrial Disability Leave
Disability plan, long term, 24.16
Disciplinary action
acceptance of, 12.14
and personnel file, 11.1, 11.5, 11.8, 11.9,
11.11, 11.16
and violation of policy, including appeal of and
grievability, 12.18-12.20
appeal to California State Personnel Board,
12.16, 12.19
defined, 12.1
notification of, 12.13, 12.15
Discretionary pay, see Salary, bonus/stipend
programs and Salary, campus funded
CSU policies on, 5.32, 21.1-21.6
Dismissal, see Disciplinary action
Docking of salary, see Salary

Domestic partners of employees, eligibility for
health, dental and vision benefits, 24.3
APC, 8.19
payroll deduction of, 8.18
Educational Achievement Stipend, EAS, see
Salary, bonus/stipend programs
Educational Television Program Director, SDSU
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. C
included in bargaining unit, App. A
Effective date
of agreement, 34.1, 34.2
of appointment, 13.5
of changes regarding permanency for
temporary employees, 13.7, 13.8
of salary programs, see Salary and listings
following regarding salary programs
Eleven month work year, change from twelve
month, 27.1, see also Pay plan
and additional CSU employment, 30.2, 30.10-
and concerted activities, 9.1, 9.3
application for position vacancy, 13.3
change from temporary to permanent, 13.7-
defined, 2.8
hourly intermittent, 2.13, 13.9, 24.19, 33.7
information, provided to APC, 8.8-8.13
non-exempt, and bonus/stipend payments,
seasonal, and PST Retirement Plan, 24.19
status, changes in, 8.8-8.12
see also following listings regarding categories
of employees
Employee, academic year
and additional CSU employment, 30.8, 30.10
and paid vacation leave, 26.4
and Personal Holiday, 25.11
and service credit for probationary period, 14.6
assignment of workdays, 28.1
Employee, full-time, 2.8, 2.11, 13.7, 14.3, 14.18
and involuntary reduced work time, 33.3
and seniority points, see Layoff
eligibility for fee waiver program, 16.5
eligibility for leave of absence without pay,
Employee, part-time, 2.8, 2.15, 13.8, 13.9
and length of probationary period, 14.3
and PST Retirement Plan, 24.19
and seniority points, see Layoff
eligibility for fee waiver program, 16.5
eligibility for leave of absence without pay,
Employee, permanent, 2.8, 2.17, 14.10, 14.12,
14.17, 14.18

and 10/12 or 11/12 pay plan, 27.2
and layoff, see Layoff
and seniority points, see Layoff
and 10/12 or 11/12 pay plan, 27.2
eligibility for leave of absence without pay,
Employee, probationary, 2.8, 2.19, 13.9, 14.1-
and layoff, see Layoff
and 10/12 or 11/12 pay plan, 27.2
Employee, temporary, 2.8, 2.20, 13.7-13.9
and layoff, see Layoff
and leave of absence without pay, 22.7, 22.25
and PST Retirement Plan, 24.19
Employee Intermittent, 2.13, 13.9, 24.18
Employee, 10 month
and additional CSU employment, 30.9, 30.10
and service credit for probationary period, 14.8
assignment of workdays, 28.2
Employee, 11 month
and additional CSU employment, 30.9
and service credit for probationary period, 14.8
assignment of workdays, 28.2
Employee, 12 month
and service credit for probationary period, 14.7
assignment of workdays, 28.3
Employer, defined, 2.9
Employment, additional CSU
approval of, including grievability, 30.5, 30.6
change in work schedule to accommodate,
limitations on, 30.10, 30.11
maximum allowable, 30.2-30.4, 30.7-30.10
Employment, outside, limitations on, 30.1
Environment, work, see Work environment
requests for, 31.5
safety, 31.2
Evaluation, see Performance evaluation
Evaluator Trainee
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. D
included in bargaining unit, App. A
salary range and rate, App K
terms of appointment, App. K
Evaluator I
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. D
included in bargaining unit, App. A
salary range and rate, App K
terms of appointment, App. K
Evaluator II
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. D
included in bargaining unit, App. A
Exclusive bargaining representative, 1.1, see
also APC
Executive Order No. 928, CSU, 21.1

Exempt employees, see FLSA-exempt
Extended Education Specialist I
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. C
included in bargaining unit, App. A
Extended Education Specialist II
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. C
included in bargaining unit, App. A
Extension of deadlines, 2.7
and grievance procedure, 10.12
and reconsideration procedure, 5.26
Facilities, campus, APC use of, 8.1, 8.2
Failure to respond
and grievance procedure, 10.6
and reconsideration procedure, 5.20
Fair Employment and Housing Act, California
and CSU policies on discrimination 21.1
Family care
and benefit eligibility, 22.1, 22.2
and Catastrophic Leave Donation Program,
and computation of seniority points, 33.18
and leave of absence without pay, 22.2, 22.4,
22.6-22.16, see also Sick leave
and seniority point accrual, 22.24,22.28
and sick leave, 19.10-19.14
application of, 22.3, 22.13, 22.21, 22.22
return to former position, 22.26
Fee waiver program, 16.1, 16.5-16.11
academic standards, 16.10
and career development plan, 15.4, 16.5
and leave of absence, 16.9
defined, 16.6
transfer of benefits to dependents, 16.12
limitations of, 16.7
participation in, 16.5-16.11
release time for, 16.8
FEHA, see Fair Employment and Housing Act,
and grievance procedure, 10.1, App E
and reconsideration procedure, 5.5, App F
and grievance procedure, 10.11, App E
and reconsideration procedure, 5.23, App F
Fiscal year, defined, 2.10
Flex cash for health and/or dental insurance,
FLSA-exempt employees
corrective action of, 28.27
defined, App. C
partial day absences of, 28.27
work week, defined, 28.27
workload of, including grievability, 28.27
Foster children
see Parental leave

leave without pay, 22.4
placement of, leave with pay, 20.14
Full-time employee, see Employee, full-time
Funeral leave, 20.9-20.11
and bereavement leave, 19.10
General Salary Increase, see Salary, General
Salary Increase
Golden Handshake, see Retirement, early
Government Code, California, Section 8314, 8.1
and reconsideration procedure, 5.28, 5.29
confidentiality of, 10.10
consolidation of, 10.17
defined, 10.1
form, 10.3, App. E
information, access to, 10.13
initial filing at other than Level I, 10.15
of rejection during probationary period, 14.16
precedent-setting, 10.18
regarding discrimination, 21.1
release time for, 10.9
remedy when filed by APC, restrictions on,
reprisals for participation in, 10.21
solicitation of, 10.20
time limitations, effects of, 10.6
time limitations, extensions of, 10.12
withdrawal of, 10.16
without union representation, 10.11
see also following listings regarding grievance
Grievance procedure, informal level, 10.2
Grievance procedure, Level I
filing at, 10.2
meeting and response, 10.3
Grievance procedure, Level II
filing at, 10.3
meeting and response, 10.4
Grievance procedure, Level III
and cases regarding workload for FLSA
exempt employees, 28.27
arbitrability, 10.5
arbitrator’s authority/limitations, 10.5
costs, responsibility for, 10.5
filing at, 10.4, 10.15
location of hearings, 10.5
meeting and response, 10.5
permanent arbitrator, 10.5
pre-arbitration conference,10.1, 10.5
procedural rules, disputes, 10.5
selection of replacement arbitrator, 10.5
Grievant, defined, 10.1
GSI, see Salary, General Salary Increase
Health, and working conditions, see Safety,
and working conditions
Health benefits

CSU Health Care Reimbursement Account
Plan, 24.12
CSU Health Premium Conversion Program,
eligibility for, 24.1-24.3
eligible domestic partners, including governing
definition, 24.3
eligible employees, 24.1
eligible family members, including governing
definition, 24.2
waiver of (flex cash), 24.18
and grievance procedure, 10.13
and regulations governing domestic partner
benefits, 24.3
and scope of representation regarding
policies, 3.4
Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations
Act, California, see HEERA
Holiday credit, and statewide officer leave, 8.16
Holidays, paid, 25.1, 25.2
and campus closure, 25.6-25.8
and vacation or sick leave, 25.5
compensation for working on, 25.12, 25.13
counting toward time worked, 28.17, 28.18
eligibility of employees for, 25.4, 25.10, 25.11
personal, 25.9, 25.11
scheduling of, 25.1-25.3, 25.9
supersession of Government Code, App. J
Hourly intermittent employee, see Employee
Hours of work, supersession of Education and
Government Codes, App. J
Hours worked, defined, 2.12
Human Resources Office,
and career development plan, 15.2
and employee information provided to APC,
and posting of position vacancies, 13.1
and leave of absence without pay, 22.2
reporting of work-related, 31.4
see also Sick leave
Industrial Disability Leave
and break in service during probationary
period, 14.13, 14.14
and Catastrophic Leave Donation Program,
and sick leave, 19.20-19.23
information regarding employee’s rights under,
Information Practices Act of 1977, California
and grievance procedure, 10.13
and health and safety, 31.9
and leave of absence without pay, 22.2
reporting of work-related, 31.4

see also Sick leave
In-range progression, see Salary, campusfunded programs
Insurance, life, see Life insurance
Intermittent employee, hourly, see Employee
Interview committee, for position vacancy, 13.4
Intra-campus mail service, see Mail service,
campus 8.3, 8.5
Investigation leading to disciplinary action, 12.9-
Jury duty
notification of, 20.3, 20.4
payment for, 20.1, 20.2
verification of, 20.4
Labor Arbitration Rules of the AAA
and grievance procedure, Level III, 10.5
and grievances regarding discrimination, 21.1
and bargaining unit work performed by
administrators or students assistants, 33.6
and separation of student assistants, 33.5
defined, 33.1
definition of pay status applicable to, 2.16
employee options in lieu of, including
transfer/retreat rights and applicable time
restrictions for exercising, 33.25-33.28
involuntary reduced work time, 33.3
meet and confer with APC, 33.2
notice of, 33.22-33.24
notification of APC, 33.2
order of, including exceptions to and tiebreaking, 33.7-33.10, 33.20, 33.21
reemployment rights, including at other CSU
campuses, 33.29-33.33
seniority points, computation of, including
leave with/without pay, disability and military
leave, family care, 33.11-33.19,
supersession of Education Code, App. J
voluntary programs to avoid, 33.4
Leave, union, see Union leave
Leave of absence
and break in service during probationary
period, 14.13-14.15
and fee waiver program, 16.9
Difference in Pay Leave, eligibility for and
terms of, 16.21, App. I
during probationary period, 14.13, 14.15
supersession of Education Code, App. J
see also Leave of absence with pay and
Leave of absence without pay
Leave of absence with pay
and computation of seniority points, 33.15
for appearance as a witness, 20.6-20.8
for funeral, 20.9-20.11
for jury duty, 20.1-20.4

for maternity, paternity, adoption, foster care,
for military service, 20.5
for organ or bone marrow donation, 20.15
for U.S. citizenship process, 20.12
for voting, 20.13
Leave of absence without pay
and computation of seniority points, 22.24,
and service credit, 22.23
and vacation accrual, 26.5, 26.6
application for, 22.3
continuation of benefits during, 22.24
extension of, 22.13
for professional development, 16.20
reasons for, 22.2
requested by APC, 8.17
return from, 22.23, 22.25-22.27
to avoid layoff, 33.4
Legal rulings regarding agreement, see
Library privileges, 32.3
and continuing education, 16.22
required, 16.15
Life insurance
paid by CSU, 24.14
voluntary supplemental program, 24.15
Lock-out of employees, 9.4
Long term disability plan, 24.16
Long Term Service Bonus see Salary,
bonus/stipend programs
LTS Bonus see Salary, bonus/stipend programs
Mail service, campus, APC use of, 8.3, 8.5
Management rights, 6.1
policy, reconsideration of alleged violation of,
policy on non-discrimination, 5.32
policy on sexual harassment, 5.32
policy regarding wage/hour issues for FLSAexempt employees, 28.27
salary reporting requirements, 23.12
Managerial employees, excluded from
bargaining unit, App. B
Marital status, discrimination based on, see
Maternity leave see Parental leave
with pay, 20.14
without pay, 22.4-22.6, 22.9, 22.11
Meal allowance
and computation of overtime, 28.11
eligibility for overtime allowance, 28.12
Meal period
and counting toward hours worked, 28.9,
length of, 28.10

scheduling of, 28.9
Medical Condition, discrimination based on, see
Medical examination, required, 19.17, 19.18
Medical insurance, see Health benefits
Medical leave of absence without pay, see
Leave of absence without pay and Family
Meet and confer, see Collective bargaining
Mental Disability, discrimination based on, see
Merit Service Increase, see Salary, Merit
Service Increase
Military leave, 20.5
and computation of seniority points, 33.18
and Military Exigency leave, 22.32
and Service Member Care leave, 22.31
MSI, see Salary, Merit Service Increase
National origin, discrimination based on, see
Non-exempt employee, see Employee
Non-industrial Disability Insurance
and break in service during probationary
period, 14.13, 14.14
information regarding employee’s rights under,
Notice of termination/dismissal see Disciplinary
Office of the Chancellor
and grievance procedure, 10.3-10.6
and grievances regarding discrimination, 21.1
and reconsideration procedure, 5.17, 5.18
and release time requests, 8.14, 8.15
as a campus, 2.4
notification of regarding APC stewards, 8.14
Officer leave, APC, see Statewide officer leave
Organ donation, leave with pay for, 20.15
Outside employment, see Employment, outside
and meals, 28.10, 28.11
authorization and assignment of, 28.20, 28.21
compensation for, 28.16, 28.18
defined, 28.15, 28.19
employees eligible for, 28.15, App. D
employees not eligible for, App. C
for required professional training, 16.14
paid leave counted as time worked, 28.17
Paid holidays, see Holidays
Parental Leave
with pay, 20.14
without pay, 22.4-22.6, 22.9, 22.11
see also Leave of absence without pay and
Family care
Parking, fees for, including payroll deduction of,
32.5, 32.6

Part-time employee, see Employee, part-time
Parties to agreement, defined, 2.14
Past practices, see Prior practices
Paternity leave
see Parental leave
with pay, 20.14
without pay, 22.4-22.6, 22.9, 22.11
Pay plan, 10/12 or 11/12
and salary anniversary date, 27.6
and service credit for salary and retirement,
and vacation and sick leave accrual, 27.7
approval of participation in, 27.3
distribution of salary and benefits, 27.5
eligibility to request participation in, 27.2
grievability of participation in or return from,
return to twelve month work year, 27.4
to avoid layoff, 33.4
Pay status, defined, 2.16
Payroll deduction
of APC dues, 8.18, 8.19
of CSU parking fees, 32.5, 32.6
Payroll records, and personnel file, 11.12
Peer review, and performance evaluation, 18.6
PERB, see Public Employment Relations Board
and bargaining unit definition, 1.1
and bargaining unit modification, 1.3
and policy implementation by CSU, 3.4
Performance evaluation
criteria for, 18.1
form, 18.1, App L
form completion instructions, App L
and Merit Bonus Program, 23.5
for administrative employees, 18.6
inclusion in personnel file, 11.10
notification of, 18.1
procedures, 18.1-18.3
Performance Pay Increase, see Salary,
bonus/stipend programs and Salary,
campus funded programs
after four years of temporary service, 13.7,
and personnel file, 11.8, 11.9, 11.11
and probationary period, 14.1
authority to grant, 18.5
notification of, 14.17
supersession of Education Code, App. J
upon reemployment following layoff, 33.29-
Permanent appointment, see Appointment
Permanent Arbitrator, see Grievance procedure,
Level III
Permanent employee, see Employee,

PERS retirement see CalPERS
PERS Survivors Benefit, 1959, 24.13
Personal Holiday, 25.9, 25.11
Personnel Board, see State Personnel Board
Personnel action adverse, see Disciplinary
Personnel Board, see State Personnel Board,
Personnel file
access to, 11.2
and attendance/payroll records, 11.12
and career development plan, 15.6
and classification/reclassification decision,
and fee waiver program, 16.11
and final personnel decisions, 11.8, 11.9,
and inspection of, 11.2-11.7
and notification of suspension, 12.10
and performance evaluation, 18.1-18.3
and personnel actions, 11.1
and qualifications for reassignment, 17.3
and reprimand, 11.13, 12.2-12.6
and verification of service in temporary, 16.16,
confidentiality of, 11.14
copy of material from, 11.5
correction of record, 11.7
defined, 11.1
log of access to, 11.1
placement of material in, 11.1, 11.10
pre-employment materials, 11.11
rebuttal to included material, 11.6
supersession of Education Code, App. J
Personnel Office, see Human Resources Office
Physical disability, discrimination based on, see
Placement Interviewer
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. D
inclusion in bargaining unit, App. A
Policies, CSU
alleged violation, misapplication or
misinterpretation of, 5.1, 5.2
corrective and disciplinary action for violation
of, see Corrective action and Disciplinary
negotiation/resolution procedure regarding,
supersession of, 3.1
Position description
and performance evaluation, 18.1
and temporary assignment, 17.4
notification of changes made to, 8.10,8.12,
Position vacancies
and new probationary period at another CSU
campus, 14.10

and new probationary period at same campus,
and notification to union by campus, 8.9, 8.10,
and search/interview committee, 13.4
application by current employee at another
CSU campus, 13.10
application by current employee at same
campus, 13.3
appointment following career development
plan, 15.6
notice of, 13.1, 13.2, 15.6
Posting of position vacancies, see Position
and grievance procedure, 10.18
and reconsideration procedure, 5.8
and family and medical leave, 22.8, 22.9
and leave of absence without pay, 22.2, 22.4
and sick leave, 19.10, 19.14, 19.15
and disability leave, 22.20
and parental leave, 22.5
discrimination based on, see Discrimination
and appointment, 13.5, 13.6,
and appointment following career
development plan, 15.6
and fee waiver program, 16.5
and grievance procedure, 10.2, 10.3
and probationary period, 14.4, 14.8-14.11,
and professional development opportunities,
16.2, 16.4
and reassignment, 17.2
and reconsideration procedure, 5.12, 5.13
and temporary assignment to MPP, 17.4
and temporary suspension, 12.9-12.11, 12.13,
as employer, 2.9
authority regarding contracting out, 7.1
authority to assign bargaining unit work to
appropriate administrators, 17.12
authority to assign bargaining unit work to
student assistants, 17.11
defined, 2.18
notification of regarding APC stewards, 8.14
reassignment authority, 17.2, 17.4
Prior practices, supersession of, 3.1
Probation, see Probationary period
Probationary appointment, see Appointment
Probationary employee, see Employee,
Probationary period
and appointment at another CSU campus,

and appointment following career
development plan, 15.6
and break in service, 14.13-14.15
and change in classification at same campus,
14.9, 14.11
and temporary service, 13.9
and time worked in trainee classification,
App. K
defined, 14.1
length of, 14.3
rejection during, 14.16
retreat rights if denied permanency, 14.12
service credit for, 14.4-14.8
supersession of Education Code, App. J
Professional development
and participation in training, 16.13-16.16
and proposals for training, 16.17-16.19
application procedures for, 16.2,
available opportunities, 16.1
funds for, 16.3,
leave, 16.1, 16.20
see also Continuing education and Fee waiver
and requirements upon completion, 16.4
and career development plan, 15.1, 15.6
and personnel file, 11.8, 11.9, 11.11
Proof of service form for reconsideration
procedure, App. H
PST Retirement Plan, 24.19
Public Employees Retirement System. California
see listings under CalPERS
Public Employment Relations Board, see PERB
Public information regarding employees, 8.13
Quality of work, and performance evaluation,
Quantity of work, and performance evaluation,
Race, discrimination based on, see
Reassignment, 17.2
lack of qualifications for, 17.3
return to former position, 17.5, 17.9, 17.10
temporary, terms of, 17.4, 17.5, 17.18
verification of service, 17.7
to material in personnel file, 11.6
to performance evaluation, 18.1, 18.3
to reprimand, 12.6
and new probationary period, 14.3, 14.9,
as personnel decision, 11.15
salary adjustment due to, 23.6-23.8
see also Reassignment

and grievance procedure, 5.28, 5.29 and
rejection during probationary period,
consolidation of requests, 5.24
defined, 5.1
extension of time limits, 5.26
form, 5.10, APP F
proof of service form, App. H
reprisals for participation in, 5.31
request for, 5.1, 5.6
waiver of rights, 5.25
withdrawal of request, and consequences,
without APC intervention, 5.30
see also following listings regarding
reconsideration procedure
Reconsideration procedure, informal level, 5.7,
Reconsideration procedure, Level I
filing, 5.9, 5.10
meeting and response, 5.11
Reconsideration procedure, Level II
filing, 5.12, 5.14
meeting and response, 5.13-5.15
Reconsideration procedure, Level III
filing, 5.17
limitations regarding, 5.16
meeting and response, 5.18
Recreational facilities
access to, 32.4
use of, and not counting toward time worked,
Recruitment bonus, see Salary, campus-funded
Refusal of union leave requests, 8.16
Rejection during probationary period, 14.16
Release time
and additional CSU employment, 30.11
and grievance procedure, 10.7-10.9
and reconsideration procedure, 5.21, 5.22
for collective bargaining, 8.15
for CSU Trustees’ meetings, 8.15
for fee waiver program, 16.8
for professional activities, 16.13-16.15
Religion, discrimination based on, see
Relocation, temporary, 31.7
conduct of business on campus, 8.7
in grievance procedure, 10.1
in meeting regarding reprimand, 12.4
in reconsideration procedure, 5.4,
and grievance procedure, 12.7
and personnel file, 11.13, 12.2-12.6
confidentiality of, 12.2

defined, 12.2
meeting to discuss, 12.4
modification or retraction of, 12.8
rebuttal to, 12.6
representation at meeting, 12.4
time given, 12.2
and grievance procedure, 10.21
and reconsideration procedure, 5.31
for union activities, 8.22
Residence life employees
and on-call, call-back, 28.28, 28.30, 28.31
and compensation, 28.30, 28.31
and conditions of employment, 28.29
and grievance procedure, 10.1
and reconsideration procedure, 5.5.
Rest period
and counting toward hours worked, 28.14
scheduling of, 28.14
and personnel file, 11.8, 11.9, 11.11
bonus, see Salary, campus-funded programs
CalPERS, information regarding employee’s
rights under, 24.17
early, 24.9
Retirement credit
and statewide officer leave, 8.16
transfer upon appointment at another CSU
campus, 13.11
Retreat rights
if denied permanency during probation, 14.12
if outside of unit,17.4, 17.9, 17.10
upon notice of layoff, 33.22-33.26
Return to former position
and family care or medical leave, 22.23, 22.25
and statewide officer leave, 8.16
and temporary reassignment, 17.9, 17.10
Safety, and working conditions
and representation on campus safety
committees, 31.8
CSU provision of reports regarding, 31.9
CSU responsibility for, 31.1
employee’s responsibility for, 31.3
notification/investigation of lack of, 31.6
provision of necessary equipment, 31.2
recommendations regarding, 31.5
reporting of hazard, 31.4
reporting of work-related injury/illness, 31.4
request for equipment, 31.5
request for temporary relocation, 31.7
adjustment due to change in classification,

anniversary date, and 10/12 or 11/12 pay plan,
CSU reporting requirements, 23.12
docking of, 20.8
for trainee classifications, App. K
increases, types of, 23.1
initial, 13.5
schedule, 23.1, App. G
upon reemployment following layoff, 33.32
see also following listings regarding salary
Salary, bonus/stipend programs
Budget Shortfall Mitigation Bonus including
eligibility for, calculation of, 23.4
Educational Achievement Stipend including
definition of, 23.4
funding of, 23.4
Long-Term Service Bonus including eligibility
for, grievability of, service credit while on
10/12 or 11/12 pay plan, 23.4, 27.8
Merit Bonus, including funding, definition of,
grievability of, 23.5,
Salary, campus-funded programs, 23.9
critical skills bonus, 23.9
grievability of bonuses, 23.9
in-range progression, including grievability of,
recruitment bonus,23.9
retention bonus, 23.9
Salary, General Salary Increase, 23.1
Scope of Representation, and CSU Policies, 3.4
Search committee, for position vacancy, 13.4
Seniority points
accrual, and family care or medical leave,
computation of, 33.11-33.19
upon reemployment following layoff, 33.32
Separation from service
and computation of seniority points, 33.11
and payment of compensatory time off
balance, 26.13, 26.14, 28.26
and payment of vacation leave balance, 26.13,
Service break, see Break in service
Service credit
and leave of absence without pay, 22.24
and statewide officer leave, 8.16
for probationary period, see Probationary
upon reemployment following layoff, 33.32
Service member care leave, 22.31
Sex, discrimination based on, see Discrimination
Sexual harassment, CSU policies on, 5.32
Sexual orientation, discrimination based on, see

Sick leave
accrual, 19.1-19.3
accrual while on 10/12 or 11/12 pay plan, 27.7
and bereavement, 19.10, 20.19-20.11
and break in service during probationary
period, 14.13
and Catastrophic Leave Donation Program,
see Catastrophic Leave Donation Program
and counting toward time worked, 28.18
and FMLA, 22.14-22.19
and holidays, 25.5
and immediate family, 19.10-19.13
and Industrial Disability Leave, 19.20-19.23
and maternity leave, 19.15
and pregnancy, 19.10, 19.14, 19.15
and vacation leave, 19.9, 19.16, 26.10
directed use of, 19.19
reporting of absence, 19.4, 19.5
supersession of Government Code, App. J
unpaid, 19.16
use of, 19.8, 19.10
verification of absence, 19.6, 19.7, 19.14,
Sick leave credit
and statewide officer leave, 8.16
transfer of upon appointment at another CSU
campus, 13.11
upon reemployment following layoff, 33.32
Skelly Rights, 12.17
Social Security, information regarding
employee’s rights under, 24.17
SPB, see State Personnel Board, California
Specialized skills, and layoff, 33.8, 33.10, 33.21,
State Controller, California, and payroll
deduction of dues, 8.18, 8.21
State Personnel Board, appeal of disciplinary
action to, 12.16, 12.17, 12.19
Statewide officer leave, APC, 8.16
Steward leave, APC, 8.16
Stewards, APC campus, 8.14
Stipends, see Salary, bonus/stipend programs
Strike, see Concerted activities
Student assistants
and increase in number of during layoff, 33.6
performing bargaining unit work, 17.11
separation of during layoff, 33.5
Student Personnel Technician, Financial Aid
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. D
included in bargaining unit, App. A
Student Services Professional I
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. D
included in bargaining unit, App. A
Student Services Professional II
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. C
included in bargaining unit, App. A

Student Services Professional III
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. C
included in bargaining unit, App. A
Student Services Professional IV
eligibility for overtime compensation, App. C
included in bargaining unit, App. A
by agreement, 3.1
of California Education and Government
Codes, App. J
Supervisory employees, excluded from
bargaining unit, App. B
Suspension with pay
and grievance procedure, 12.12
extension or termination of, 12.11
notification of, 12.10
reasons for, 12.9
Suspension without pay, see Disciplinary action
Sympathy strike, see Concerted activities
Systemwide policies, see Policies, CSU
Systemwide policy, CSU reconsideration of
alleged violation of, 5.16-5.18
Tax sheltered annuity programs, 24.10
and library privileges, 32.3
as part of assigned duties, 17.13
Temporary appointment, see Appointment
Temporary employee, see Employee, temporary
Temporary positions, vacancies in, see Position
Temporary reassignment, see Reassignment
Temporary service, and probationary period,
13.17, 13.8, 14.4, 14.5
Ten month work year, change from twelve
month, 27.1, see also Pay plan
Termination, see Disciplinary action
Time-base upon appointment, 13.5
upon change from temporary to permanent,
Time limitations
and grievance procedure, 10.6, 10.12
and reconsideration procedure, 5.19, 5.20,
Trainee, Credential Analyst, see Credential
Analyst Trainee
Trainee, Evaluator, see Evaluator Trainee
Transfer of leave/retirement credits upon
appointment at another CSU campus, 13.11
Transfer of bargaining unit work by CSU out of
unit, notification of, 8.11, 8.12
Travel expenses, reimbursement of, 27.10
as employer, 2.9
defined, 2.20
release time for meetings of, 8.15

activities, reprisals for, 8.22
and Catastrophic Leave Donation Program,
and concerted activities, 9.2, 9.3
business, conduct of, 8.6, 8.7
defined, 2.21
dues, see Dues, APC
meetings, 8.1, 8.2
membership, see APC
Union leave, steward and statewide officer, 8.16,
and service credit for leave without pay, 22.26
Union officer, 2.23
Union representative, defined, 2.23, see also
Union staff, 2.23
Unit 4, see Bargaining unit
Unpaid leave, sick, 19.16
U. S. citizenship process, see Citizenship
Vacancies, see Position vacancies
Vacation credit
and statewide officer leave, 8.16
transfer of upon appointment at another CSU
campus, 13.11
Vacation leave
accrual, 26.2, 26.3, 26.5, 26.6
accrual while on 10/12 or 11/12 pay plan, 27.7
and absence as a witness, 20.7, 20.8
and additional CSU employment, 30.7
and campus closure, 25.7, 25.8
and Catastrophic Leave Donation Program,
see Catastrophic Leave Donation Program
and counting toward time worked, 28.18
and holidays, 25.5
.and sick leave, 19.9, 19.16
carry-over exceptions, 26.10, 26.11
cumulative limit and forfeiture of, 26.7
eligibility for, 26.1, 26.4
payment of balance upon separation, 26.13
scheduling of, 26.9, 26.11
supersession of Education and Government
Codes, App. J
Veteran’s status, discrimination based on, see
VEVRAA, and CSU policies on discrimination,
Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance
Act, see VEVRAA
Vision benefits
eligibility for, 24.8
eligible domestic partners, including governing
definition, 24.3

payment for, 24.8
Voting, leave for, 20.13
Waiver of employee’s rights, and
reconsideration procedure, 5.25
Witness, appearance as
for CSU, 20.6, 20.7
other than for CSU, 20.8
Work day
assignment of, 28.1-28.3
defined, 2.24
for five day work week, 28.4
for four day work week, 28.5
for less than full-time employees, 28.7
notification of schedule change, 28.8
request for schedule change, 28.13
Workers’ Compensation and break in service
during probationary period, 14.13, 14.14
information regarding employees’ rights
under, 24.17
Working Conditions
and safety, see Safety and working conditions
CSU policies regarding, 24.17, 31.1
Workload for FLSA-exempt employees, see
FLSA-exempt employees Workweek
defined, for overtime, 28.15
five day, 28.4
for less than full-time employees, 28.7
four day, 28.5
notification of schedule change, 28.8
scheduling of, 28.8
Work environment, recommendations regarding,
including required response to, 32.1, 32.2
Work hours
adjustment of to accommodate additional
CSU employment, 30.12
and On-Call and Call-Back, 28.29-28.31
flexible, for professional activities, 16.8,
request for schedule change, 28.13
Work rules, CSU policies regarding, 5.1
Work year
change to ten month or eleven month, 27.1
return to twelve month, 27.4
Year, for eligibility for permanency from
temporary status, defined, 13.9