Article 18



The appropriate administrator shall inform the employee in writing that a performance evaluation shall take place prior to the commencement of the performance evaluation process. Performance evaluation procedures shall be determined by the President. Such procedures shall be put in writing and provided to employees. Any evaluative procedure to be used in a department shall also be provided to an employee prior to the commencement of the performance evaluation process.

  1. Employees shall be evaluated on at least an annual basis, using the form that appears in Appendix L, utilizing the following criteria:
    1. quality of the employee’s work;
    2. quantity of the employee’s work;
    3. professional judgment and responsibility (also including attendance abuse and working relationships); and
    4. specific contributions to the campus/CSU and/or specific contributions to the community in areas directly related to the employee’s work assignment, if applicable.
  2. Performance evaluations shall be based on the direct observation or supervision of the employee’s work during the period since the employee’s last performance evaluation. In the event the evaluator has not directly observed or supervised the employee’s work, the evaluation shall be based primarily on the content of the employee’s official personnel file, including the applicable position description(s) and input from individuals who have interacted with the employee as part of the employee’s required job duties. If the employee receives any rating of less than satisfactory (or its equivalent), the document(s) and/or specific example(s) relied upon for the rating must be given to the employee and placed in the employee’s official personnel file no later than the time at which the evaluation is given to the employee in draft form.
  3. Performance evaluations shall be prepared in draft form. Such evaluation shall refer to key incidents relied on if they are not documented in the personnel file. A copy will be given to the employee who shall have fourteen (14) days to review the draft evaluation, provide verbal feedback, and submit a rebuttal (if any) to the evaluator before the evaluation is finalized. An employee may request to discuss their evaluation with the evaluator within fourteen (14) days from the receipt of the draft evaluation. An employee may elect to submit any such rebuttal (accompanied by the draft evaluation it rebuts) to their personnel file. Any documents referenced in the draft evaluation which are not part of the employee’s official personnel file at the time the draft is submitted to the employee shall be placed in the file at that time.
  4. An employee may submit materials for consideration during the performance evaluation process, including evaluative material from campus and community sources generated by individuals familiar with the employee’s work.
18.2 A written record of a final performance evaluation shall be placed in the employee's personnel file and subject to the provisions of Article 11, Personnel File. The employee shall be provided with a copy of the written recommendation, if any, made at each level of the review.
18.3 If an employee disagrees with the record of a final performance evaluation which has been placed in their personnel file, the employee may submit a rebuttal statement which shall be attached to the record of the performance evaluation.
18.4 A performance evaluation shall not be considered a final personnel decision as referred to in Article 11.
18.5 All final decisions regarding permanency shall be made by the President.
18.6 A performance evaluation for the purpose of retention or permanency shall consist, at a minimum, of an administrative review. A performance evaluation may include a peer review component. If such a component is included then service on such a peer review committee shall be subject to provision 18.5, and such a committee shall consist of only permanent employees.