APC Officer Descriptions

Dual Roles

Each APC officer fills two roles within the Union. One is a governance role, in which the officer provides leadership to APC through engaging in planning and decision-making. The other is a staff role, in which the officer carries out the work of the Union and the decisions of the APC Council.

Governance Role

As a statewide APC leader and member of the Executive Board, each officer participates in developing and recommending to the APC Council programs, policies and procedures necessary for the administration of APC and the pursuit of the Union’s goals. It is in this role that officers may influence the direction and decisions of the Union. While each officer brings an invaluable set of personal experiences from her/his own campus to these efforts, officers are expected to adopt and work from a statewide (rather than campus) perspective.

Staff Role

The APC Council delegates to the President overall responsibility and authority for ensuring that the Council develops annual plans with the first one due by the first Council meeting after the President takes office, and for carrying out the decisions of the Council and the business of the Union. The President, in turn, delegates responsibility and authority for specific areas to other officers. Each officer’s experience, skills and interests are taken into account when responsibilities are delegated, and every effort is made to create positive matches. When a conflict arises, however, organizational needs of the Union are afforded a higher priority than personal preferences of officers.

Possible Stylistic Conflicts

When acting on behalf of APC, a collaborative approach always is preferred. However, each officer must be willing to confront others when necessary, including Unit 4 employees and CSU representatives, and to take and assert positions that may at times be personally uncomfortable and/or differ from her/his personal views on a particular issue.


Governance Role

As a statewide APC leader and member of the Executive Board, the President participates in developing and recommending to the APC Council programs, policies, and procedures necessary for the administration of APC and the pursuit of the Union’s goals. The President serves as the primary spokesperson and representative for APC and presides at meetings of the APC Council and Executive Board.

Staff Role

The President is delegated the responsibility to oversee the affairs of the Union, to carry out the decisions of the Council, and to ensure that all Union business is conducted in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws, with the APC Constitution, and with all applicable APC policies and procedures. The President directs the implementation of Council policies and programs, is responsible for the delegation of specific responsibilities to other APC officers and to APC staff and assumes additional responsibilities as delegated by the APC Council.
Specific responsibilities of the President include, but are not limited to:
  • Coordination and integration of the work of the Executive Board, APC Staff, and the APC Council
  • Development and implementation of the Union’s contract negotiation and enforcement program
  • Communication with CSU, at both the campus and systemwide levels
  • Management of APC’s administrative, communication, member services, records maintenance, and other related programs
  • Supervision of APC staff and of officers (in their staff role), including development and implementation of personnel programs and policies
  • Development and implementation of strategies to protect APC’s jurisdiction and bargaining unit work
  • Long-range planning for the Union
  • Development and implementation of APC’s legislative program and collaborative legislative efforts with other unions
  • Representation of APC to the CSU Board of Trustees, the CSU Labor Council, and other organizations
  • Serve as a member of the APC Bargaining Team


  • Take 50% – 100% union leave from the CSU
  • Extensive and frequent travel throughout California
  • Provide personal vehicle for APC-related travel
  • Provide personal office in or near home


Governance Role

As a statewide APC leader and member of the Executive Board, the Vice President participates in developing and recommending to the APC Council programs, policies and procedures necessary for the administration of APC and the pursuit of the Union’s goals. The Vice President is responsible for working closely with the President to provide statewide leadership for APC and for assuming the responsibilities of the President in her/his absence.

Staff Role

Specific areas of responsibility likely to be assigned to the Vice President include:

  • Coordinate support for campus chapters and leaders in both contract and non-contract matters
  • Serve as acting chief steward on campuses without elected chapter leadership
  • Approve campus chapter yearly budget and in conjunction with the APC Treasurer monitor and provide oversight for campus chapter expenditures
  • Develop and implement contract education programs for bargaining unit employees
  • Provide support for assigned campus chapters, including contract enforcement, chapter and leadership development, and member education
  • Guide campus chapters in developing, monitoring, and evaluating programs and budgets
  • Assist in the development and conducting of campus and statewide meetings and workshops
  • Represent APC at meetings and activities of the CSU and other organizations
  • Provide back-up to APC Treasurer and President in processing checks and other financial transactions


  • Take 50% – 100% union leave from the CSU
  • Frequent travel throughout California
  • Provide personal vehicle for APC-related travel
  • Provide personal office in or near home


Governance Role

As a statewide APC leader and member of the Executive Board, the Treasurer participates in developing and recommending to the APC Council programs, policies, and procedures necessary for the administration of APC and the pursuit of the Union’s goals. The Treasurer serves as the Chief Financial Officer of APC and as such is the custodian of all funds, properties, equipment, securities, and assets of the Union.

Staff Role

Specific areas of responsibility likely to be assigned to the Treasurer include:

  • Manage APC’s day-to-day fiscal affairs
  • Maintain all financial records of the Union
  • Prepare multi-year and annual budgets, as well as needed revisions and year-end reports
  • Report regularly on APC’s finances to the APC Council and Executive Board
  • Develop and implement benefit programs for APC employees and officers, including bonding as needed
  • Prepare annual APC audit materials and as needed other regulatory agencies including but not limited to the IRS and the State Compensation Fund.
  • Prepare and/or transmit, as needed, all financial reports required by applicable Federal and State agencies
  • Responsible for all HR functions including but not limited to APC staff payroll, IRS forms and regulations, staff and officer benefits, Workers Compensation reports and claims, EDD requirements, Liability insurance and officer bonding and staff and officer personal time off and accruals
  • Provide support for assigned campus chapters, including contract enforcement, chapter and leadership development, and member education


  • Take 50% – 100% union leave from the CSU
  • Frequent travel throughout California
  • Provide personal vehicle for APC-related travel
  • Provide personal office in or near home


Governance Role

As a statewide APC leader and member of the Executive Board, the Secretary participates in developing and recommending to the APC Council programs, policies and procedures necessary for the administration of APC and the pursuit of the Union’s goals.

Staff Role

Specific areas of responsibility likely to be assigned to the Secretary include:

  • Ensure that comprehensive minutes are taken of all APC Council and Executive Board meetings
  • Maintain all non-financial records of the Union, including those related to contract negotiation and enforcement
  • Assist in preparation of agendas and other materials for APC Council and Executive Board meetings
  • Provide support for assigned campus chapters, including contract enforcement, chapter and leadership development, and member education
  • Assist in the development and conducting of campus and systemwide meetings and workshops


  • Take 50% – 100% union leave from the CSU
  • Frequent travel throughout California
  • Provide personal vehicle for APC-related travel
  • Provide personal office in or near home

Academic Professionals of California (APC)


APC will provide to its statewide officers support related to and appropriate for the carrying out of their union responsibilities.  Expenses incurred related to those responsibilities will be reimbursed according to APC’s reimbursement policies and procedures. Additionally, officers will be provided support in the following areas that are directly related to the expectations of their respective positions.

  1. In the case of a home office, APC will lease the necessary space from the officer for $500 per month; in such situations, the cost of utilities is not reimbursable to the officer. Alternatively, if the office is not in the officer’s home, APC will reimburse the officer for the cost of space and utilities to a monthly maximum of $500.
  2. Officers will be provided monthly stipends as follows: President, $800; Vice President, $400; Secretary Treasurer, $400; Recording Secretary, $400; Council Member at Large, $400.
  3. Officers will be eligible for leave and provided compensation for unused leave pursuant to the APC Officer Leave Guidelines.

(approved by the APC Council – May 2000, amended by the APC Council – November 2001,
amended by the APC Council – February 2008, most recently amended by the APC Council – October 2010)